Chacahua is one of the most difficult places to reach. You first take a colectivo (van or bus) from Puerto Escondido to a small town outside the lagoon. Then you take a taxi or colectivo from the small town to the edge of the salt water lagoon. From there, you bargain with the boatmen, to try and get a ride across the lagoon. This is the only way to get to the road to Chacahua - by boat. If you are pleased with the price, you will take the 20 minute ride across the lagoon. At this point you have to be dedicated to your mission, because once you get off that boat, you have to go to Chacahua. You crawl into the back of a pickup truck, and drive for another 20 minutes to reach the remote town of Chacahua.

Once you reach Chacahua, you have the most luxurious of accommodations. Small huts with no running water. For showering, you go to a small communal stall and take a bucket bath. Using water from rain barrels, you use a cup to rinse yourself. The toilet is just as sophisticated; to flush you get water from the rain barrel. There is apparently only one telephone in the whole town, and this is located at the small shop on the main "street". Whenever somebody receives a phone call, loud speakers blast out all over town announcing for that person to come to the store.

Those who enjoy adventure will love both the trip and their time spent in Chacahua. The time spent getting there and simplicity of the town make this place one of favorites.