04 February 2012

Romans in the Snow

 We spent four days exploring the vast city of Rome.  We stayed with two young men very near the sea, and we either took the train or drove into the city each day.  On the first day we were there it snowed an awful wet snow, and we became completely soaked.  We even experienced the cliche scenario of a bus splashing us with a wall of water as it drove through an enormous puddle.

Other days in the city were much nicer.  The sun came out and we enjoyed the beauty of the city - even if we did have wet feet. 

In the Vatican City we visited the Vatican Museum, climbed the stairs to the top of the Vatican, and watched the Swiss guards at their stations.  The Sistene Chapel and numerous other exhibits in the museum were extremely impressive.  We spent hours investigating the many painted rooms and halls of art. 

The guards at the Vatican have been Swiss since the 15th century.  When Javier was studying as a child in the Swiss school, he was always taught that the Swiss were so cooperative and peaceful.  Yet these guards are used by the Pope because of their reputation as fierce warriors.  Which is it?