
If you would like to contact us, you can write to florenbautistatravelblog(at)gmail(dot)com.

If you have suggestions about places we should visit, you are welcome to write us.  Please take a look at the "Our Travels" page to see if we have already visited that place.  We also love international food, so if you have any recipes you would like to share with us, we would be overjoyed to accept them.  But, understand that if you send us recipes, we may publish them to our site after we have tried them.

We will do our best to write you back in a timely manner, but understand that travel is time consuming.  It will not always be possible for us to respond quickly or thoroughly.  Nonetheless, we will try!

If you are a friend or family member, we suggest that you contact us through other means - like our personal emails or Facebook.  If you contact us here, it may take longer for us to write you back!