30 November 2010

Disclaimer: Prices in Guatemala

When traveling, we are always careful with our money.  In undeveloped countries, people will try to squeeze more out of you than an item is worth.  In Guatemala you need to be especially careful.  During our time in Guatemala we experienced more foul play with prices than any other place in Central America.  In Guatemala they charge foreigners much more than locals.  It is an unspoken policy across the country to charge even twice as much for a service.  It is our personal belief that this is wrong.  If you go to Guatemala and you are going to take a bus or colectivo, or you are going to purchase something, make sure to ask people how much it will cost before you are buying.  Ask many locals to see what price they would be paying.  If you get on a bus, ask your neighbors how much they are paying.  Make sure you have small enough bills to pay exact, because if you are needing change, don't expect to get it back.