23 December 2010

Our arrival to Europe!

We departed Central America for Europe from Panama City.  After a long night of waiting for the bus to take us to the airport, we arrived to learn that we had to wait a few hours to enter the terminal.  Javier still could not see anything, so we were understandably happy when we boarded our first flight.  Our first layover was in Bogota, Columbia.  This was not too long, but Javier was feeling worse after our first flight.  It was a big relief to finally be on our flight to Madrid.  Javier's eyes were in a lot of pain during our final flight, but there was nothing we could do to relieve them.  We just had to wait.

When we finally arrived in Spain, we both were able to rush through customs because of Javier's condition.  His sister picked us up at the airport and drove us immediately to the hospital.  While our arrival to Europe was not ideal, we were very happy to be there.