11 January 2012

Poland: A Smorgasbord of Couch Hosts!

We did not want for couch hosts in Poland.  We had hosts practically fighting over us.  For basically every town we requested a place to stay, we received at least two positive responses. 

Even when we let one host down, because we had already accepted the request of another, they would insist we come and see them.  How could we decline such eager hospitality?

Every person we stayed with, had lunch with, or took a tour with was ecstatic to have our company.  The grandfathers would bring out their special liquors and insist we have seconds; we were treated to delicious home-cooked meals; and given intimate introductions to the places we visited.

I always suggest Poland to people who are planning on visiting Europe.  The cities, food, and history are marvelous, but the people are even better.