08 April 2012


On our way to Trieste, we experienced one of the most intense changes in weather.  As we drove along the coast from Venice it began to rain.  Neither a misting, nor a sprinkle.  A heavy downpour.  Buckets of water dropped from above.  The rain was so heavy that when we entered a tunnel we were extremely relieved to be out of it, even if for a short period of time.  The strangest thing happened when we exited the tunnel - the rain was completely gone.  We must have entered a rain shadow, because the roads were dry and not a drop fell from then on.

Trieste is known for its weather.  Mainly the wind.  During the winter the wind is incredibly strong, and can be unsafe to be out it.  Since Trieste is on the sea, the wind can encase whatever is left in the open air in ice.  If you park your car by the shore on a windy day, you may not be able to get back into it when you return.

We got to Trieste after dark and stayed with a man in his small apartment.  I remember him well, because our taste in music was remarkably similar.  During the next day we all took a long walk together.  First through the city, then through the abandoned port, and finally along the 9 kilometers of coast out to Castello di Miramare.