13 July 2012

Timisoara: Hosted by a man of many talents.

Timisoara is a small town on the western border of Romania.  The town itself is not really very interesting, but our host in that area was. 

To get to his house, we had to drive far outside of the city past melon stands and cow pastures.  We made it to the village he lived in, but it was so dark we could not find his house.  We began walking up and down the single street looking for numbers and failing to determine the correct house.  Eventually we spoke with an old couple who for sure had been watching in amazement as we walked back and forth.  How could you get lost in a town with one short street?  With luck the old man spoke German.  Javier began discussing with him who it was we were looking for, and eventually we found the place.

Our host was very diverse in his interests.  He was a computer programmer that worked from home and did very well for himself, but he had also taken up a bit of backyard farming as well.  In his yard he had: two pigs, four ducks, many chickens, meat rabbits, milk goats, and a garden packed with vegetables.  With cheese made from the milk of his goats he showed us how to make Sirnitsa.  It was absolutely delicious. 

We unfortunately could not spend much time with him.  There wasn't much to do in the area except help with his animals and chat, but it would have been nice considering what a wonderful person he was.